Message from Super

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim


All praises are due to Almighty Allah who has given us the opportunity to join the highway of modern technology in the expansion of divine education. Blessings and salutations upon the best teacher of humanity, Prophet Muhammad (S).


The madrasah is located in Chatalpar village, Ward 2, Sadipur Union No. 2, under Osmaninagar Upazila, in the southwestern edge of Sylhet district, the world's largest delta, the spiritual capital of Bangladesh.


The madrasah was established in 2000 by the hand of Mr. Alhaj Nizam Uddin Saheb, the successor son of Mr. Alhaj Tabarak Ullah (Badsha), the son of this village.


The main aim of building the madrasah was to create opportunities for higher secondary education by educating the illiterate boys/girls of the deprived rural areas in contemporary religious education. Keeping that goal in mind, the Madrasah has been making an unforgettable contribution in the field of secondary education since its inception. The madrassah is continuing all-round activities among the students for the positive application of technology and facing the ever-new challenges of the world.


Especially in keeping with the current era, this traditional educational institution is continuing its relentless efforts in providing religious education with the aim of better education, socio-economic and cultural development of the nation. May Allah keep this Madrasah established until the end of the world. amen


I wish this institute continued success. Congratulations to all the working teachers, staff and well-wishers. At the same time, I am seeking everyone's cooperation in running the madrasah properly.


Md. Abdul Hye

Super, Chatalpar Jamea Islamia Dakhil Madrasah.